Showing all 2 results

  • Beetroot 500 g (Approx. 450 g - 500 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Beets are versatile and nutritious root vegetables with vibrant colours. Whether you're looking to add colour to your plate or boost your daily nutritional intake, the deep hues of beets are sure to please your eye and pallet. Whether served as a pickled appetizer, as part of a healthy salad, roasted with other vegetables as a side dish, or as part of a juice cleanse - the possibilities for incorporating Beets into your diet are endless. Add some chopped beets to your next salad or juice cleanse, and you'll wonder why you haven't done it sooner. So, go ahead, buy Beetroot 500 g online now!

  • Cabbage per Pc (Approx 250 g - 5kg)

    4.00 out of 5

    Cabbage is your secret weapon for any recipe that needs a handful of leafy greens. Use cabbage to add crunch and flavour to your dinner recipes. Break it up and layer on top of pizza. Shred or slice cabbage on your favourite sandwiches, burgers, tacos, and more! Add it to any soup or stew, or throw some into a fresh green salad for added crunch. So, go ahead, buy Cabbage per Pc (Approx 600 g - 1000 g) online now!

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