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  • Coconut Kalash 5 pcs (Pack) (Approx 1600 g - 2000 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Coconut is a power packed fruit that originates from the Tropical region. It is consumed globally in different forms like Coconut Milk, Coconut Water, Coconut Oil etc. There's a raw white meat inside the Coconut shell which is known as the Kernel. The Kernel is the edible, sweet tasting part of the Coconut which has firm texture and is delicious. Coconut Milk and Cream is made by cold pressing the grated raw meat. Dried Kernels can be grated and stored for cooking or baking. It can also be made into flour from which numerous Indian desserts are prepared. Buy Coconut Kalash 5 pcs (Pack) (Approx 1600 g - 2000 g) online now.

  • Product on sale

    Ginger Indian 200 g (Approx. 180 g - 1000 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Ginger has been used as a spice or as a medicine since ancient times. Give a good kick to any dish with the perfect amount of spicy, tangy, and bold flavor in just a pinch. With Ginger, you'll never have to worry about missing out on flavor or ruining your meal with too much seasoning ever again. Buy Ginger Indian 200 g online now.

  • Musk Melon 1 pc (Approx. 400 g - 5500 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Musk Melon has ribbed, netted, or smooth skin. Its outer skin is usually off-white or yellow in the shade while it is peach in colour from the inside and has many seeds in between. It has a sweet, musky taste and high sugar content that lingers on the tongue for a long time. Fully ripen Musk Melon offers a juicy, smooth, and sweet taste. It also has a high water content, which makes you feel full after having the fruit. So go ahead and buy Musk Melon 1 pc (Approx. 600 g - 900 g) today.

  • Pomegranate Medium Premium 4 pc (Approx 1.13 kg - 5.2 kg)

    4.00 out of 5

    Pomegranate Kesar offers arils that are full of sweet juice with a slight tangy punch. The rind is glossy red and contains blood-red arils with soft edible seeds. Pomegranates are also known as the fruit of Paradise. Pomegranates are a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K and are called a Super food. Kesar is one of the most popular varieties of Pomegranates in India.

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